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410 lines
# PERL hours list writer for TIMEX
do "weekno.perl" || die "Could not do weekno.perl\n";
# Prefixes for some types of project
$privateprefix = "-";
$adjustprefix = "\\+";
# Possible arguments
%args = (
"fudge", 1,
"adjust", 0,
"round", 0,
"year", 1,
"name", 1,
"nameadd", 1,
"debug", 0,
"lang", 1,
"datestyle", 1,
"minutes", 0,
$usage = "Usage: $0 [-year nn ] [-adjust] [-round] [-lang nn] [week]\n"
. "Default week=last week\n";
# Set default values for variables
$fudge = 0.5; # Dividing point for ROUND. Fudgeable.
@pwent = getpwuid($<);
$name = $pwent[6];
$name =~ s/\,.*//;
$timenow = time;
@daynow = localtime($timenow);
$year = $daynow[5];
$lang = $ENV{"LANG"};
if ($ENV{"TIMEXDIR"}) {
$timexdir = $ENV{"TIMEXDIR"};
} else {
$timexdir = "$ENV{\"HOME\"}/.timex";
# Set variables from command line and defaults file
# Find which week to sum for
$week = shift(ARGV);
$oneday = 24 * 60 * 60;
if (!$week) {
# Default is last week.
$week = &DATE'weekno($timenow) - 1;
} elsif ($week eq "now") {
# now is this week
$week = &DATE'weekno($timenow);
$timefetch = &DATE'firstinweek($week, $year);
for $wday (1..7) {
@dayfetch = localtime($timefetch);
if ($datestyle eq "us") {
$weekdate[$wday] = sprintf("%d/%d", $dayfetch[4] + 1, $dayfetch[3]);
} elsif ($datestyle eq "de") {
$weekdate[$wday] = sprintf("%d.%d.", $dayfetch[3], $dayfetch[4] + 1);
} else {
$weekdate[$wday] = sprintf("%d/%d", $dayfetch[3], $dayfetch[4] + 1);
$filename = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",
1900 + $dayfetch[5], 1 + $dayfetch[4], $dayfetch[3]);
open(FILE, "$timexdir/$filename") || do {
print STDERR "$word{'nofile'} $filename\n";
$timefetch = $timefetch + $oneday;
while (<FILE>) {
if (/^\s*(\d*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
$project = $3;
$spent = $1 + $2 / 60;
$worked{$project} = 1; # Mark as worked-on this week
$hours{"$project $wday"} = $spent;
close FILE;
$timefetch = $timefetch + $oneday;
if ($hours == 0) {
print STDERR "$word{'nohours'} $week!\n";
exit 1;
if ($adjust) {
if ($round) {
# Print the result
if ($nameadd) {
print "$nameadd $name\n";
} else {
print "$name\n";
print $word{"banner"}, " $week 19$year\n";
printf "%-30.30s%6s!%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s\n",
$word{"project"}, $word{"tot"}, @days[1..7];
printf "%-30.30s%6s!%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s\n",
$word{"date"}, "", @weekdate[1..7];
print "===============================================================================\n";
for $pro (sort(keys(%hourstot))) {
if ($hourstot{$pro}) {
if ($minutes) {
printf "%-30.30s%3d:%02d!", $pro, int($hourstot{$pro}), int(($hourstot{$pro}-int($hourstot{$pro}))*60);
} else {
printf "%-30.30s%6.1f!", $pro, $hourstot{$pro};
for $day (1..7) {
if ($hours{"$pro $day"}) {
if ($minutes) {
printf "%3d:%02d", int($hours{"$pro $day"}), int(($hours{"$pro $day"}-int($hours{"$pro $day"}))*60);
} else {
printf "%6.1f", $hours{"$pro $day"};
} else {
printf "%6s", "";
print "\n";
print "===============================================================================\n";
if ($minutes) {
printf "%-30.30s%3d:%02d!", "TOTAL", int($hours), int(($hours-int($hours))*60);
for $day (1..7) {
printf "%3d:%02d", int(@hours[$day]), int((@hours[$day]-int(@hours[$day]))*60);
printf "\n";
printf "%-30.30s%3d:%02d\n", "Private poster", int($privhours), int(($privhours-int($privhours))*60);
} else {
printf "%-30.30s%6.1f!%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f%6.1f\n",
$word{"total"}, $hours, @hours[1..7];
printf "%-30.30s%6.1f\n", $word{"private"}, $privhours;
sub adjust {
# Adjust - spread + projects across the board
for $pro (keys(%hours)) {
if ($pro =~ /^$adjustprefix/) {
$tospread += $hours{$pro};
$factor = ($tospread/($hours - $tospread)) + 1;
printf STDERR "Distributing %5.1f hours across %5.1f hours, factor %5.2f\n",
$tospread, $hours, $factor;
# 1) Distribute across projects
for $pro (keys(%hours)) {
if ($pro =~ /^$adjustprefix/) {
$hours{$pro} = 0;
} elsif ($pro !~ /^$privateprefix/) { # do not spread on private pros
$hours{$pro} *= $factor;
sub round {
# Round all numbers to half-hours
for $pro (keys(%hours)) {
$hours{$pro} = int(($hours{$pro} * 2) + $fudge) / 2;
sub resum {
local($why) = @_;
local($oldhours) = $hours;
undef %hourstot;
undef @hours;
$hours = 0;
$privhours = 0;
for $pro (keys(%hours)) {
# Do NOT sum - marked projects
if ($pro =~ /^-/) {
$privhours += $hours{$pro};
} elsif ($pro =~ /^(.*) (\d)$/) {
$project = $1; $wday = $2;
$hourstot{$project} += $hours{$pro};
$hours[$wday] += $hours{$pro};
$hours += $hours{$pro};
} else {
print STDERR "Bad projectday: $pro\n";
if ($oldhours && (($hours - $oldhours) ** 2 > 0.1)) {
print STDERR "$why: Changed total from $oldhours to $hours\n";
sub getdefaults {
local($deffile) = @_;
local($opt, $arg);
$status = open(DEFAULTS, $deffile);
if ($status) { # Defaults file found
while (<DEFAULTS>) {
if (/^(\S+)\s*/) {
$opt = $1;
$arg = $';
&setvar($opt, $arg, "file");
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\S+)/) {
$opt = $1;
$ret = &setvar($opt, $ARGV[0], "ARGV");
if ($ret == 0) {
die $usage;
} elsif ($ret == 2) { # Argument consumed
sub setvar {
local($opt, $arg, $where) = @_;
if (defined($args{$opt})) {
if ($args{$opt} == 0) {
eval "\$$opt = 1";
print STDERR "$where:$opt (set)\n" if $debug;
$ret = 1;
} else {
eval "\$$opt = \"$arg\"";
print STDERR "$where:$opt = $arg\n" if $debug;
$ret = 2;
} else {
$ret = 0;
sub setlanguage {
# Transform some common language names into ISO 639 language codes
%name2lang = (
"norsk", "no",
"norwegian", "no",
"svenska", "sv", # Yes, the language is "sv" and the country is "se"....
"swedish", "sv",
"se", "sv",
"dansk", "da",
"danish", "da",
"dk", "da", # Domain name mapping for country DK to language da
"eng", "en",
"english", "en",
"fre", "fr",
"ger", "de",
"ita", "it",
# The Big Six (but not int and net) top level domains are assumed to be English
"com", "en",
"edu", "en",
"mil", "en",
"gov", "en",
# US English?
"us", "en",
if (!$lang) {
$lang = "nolanguage";
$host = `hostname`;
print STDERR "Host(hostname) is $host\n" if $debug;
if ($host =~ /\.([a-z]{2,3})$/) {
$lang = $1;
} else {
@host = gethostbyname($host);
$host = $host[0];
print STDERR "Host(gethostbyname) is $host\n" if $debug;
if ($host =~ /\.([a-z]{2,3})$/) {
$lang = $1;
} else {
$host = `domainname`; chop $host;
print STDERR "Domainname is $host\n" if $debug;
if ($host =~ /\.([a-z]{2,3})$/) {
$lang = $1;
print STDERR "Chose language $lang\n" if $debug;
if ($name2lang{$lang}) {
$lang = $name2lang{$lang};
} elsif ($lang =~ /\./) { # Attempt to drop charset trailer if present
$lang = $`;
$lang = $name2lang{$lang} if $name2lang{$lang};
# Set the strings used in various languages
%lang_no = (
"days", "S°n,Man,Tir,Ons,Tor,Fre,L°r,S°n,Man,Tir,Ons,Tor,Fre",
"banner", "Timeliste for uke",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Prosjekt",
"nofile", "Ingen fil for dag",
"date", "Dato",
"tot", "TOT",
"nohours", "Ingen timer registrert i uke",
%lang_sv = (
"days", "S÷n,Mσn,Tis,Ons,Tor,Fre,L÷r,S÷n,Mσn,Tis,Ons,Tor,Fre",
"banner", "Timlista f÷r vecka",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Projekt",
"nofile", "Ingen projektfil f÷r dag",
"date", "Datum",
"tot", "TOT",
"nohours", "Inga timmar registrerade i vecka",
%lang_en = (
"days", "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri",
"banner", "Hours worked for week",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Project",
"nofile", "No file for day",
"date", "Date",
"tot", "TOT",
"nohours", "No hours worked in week",
%lang_fr = (
"days", "Dim,Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam,Dim,Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven",
"banner", "Horaire de semaine",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Projet",
"date", "Date",
"nofile", "Pas trouve de fichier pour le",
"tot", "TOTAL",
%lang_de = (
"days", "So,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr",
"banner", "Wochenzeitplan Woche",
"total", "Summe",
"project", "Projekt",
"date", "Datum",
"tot", "SUM",
"nofile", "Keine Informationen fⁿr das Datum",
"nohours", "Keine Informationen fⁿr die Woche",
%lang_it = (
"days", "Dom,Lun,Mar,Mer,Gio,Ven,Sab,Dom,Lun,Mar,Mer,Gio,Ven",
"banner", "Il tempo lista per settimana",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Project",
%lang_da = (
"days", "S°n,Man,Tir,Ons,Tor,Fre,L°r,S°n,Man,Tir,Ons,Tor,Fre",
"banner", "Timeliste for uge",
"total", "Total",
"project", "Projekt",
"nofile", "Ingen fil for dag",
"date", "Dato",
"tot", "Total",
"nohours", "Ingen timer registreret i uge",
%word = (
"days", "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri",
"banner", "*Hours worked week",
"nofile", "*No file for day",
"project", "*Project",
"total", "*TOTAL",
"tot", "*TOT",
"date", "*Date",
"nohours", "*No hours worked in week",
%langword = eval "\%lang_$lang";
print STDERR "$@\n" if $@;
if (!%langword) {
print STDERR "Language $lang unknown, using English (en)\n",
"Use command line switch -lang xx to force another\n";
$lang = "en";
%langword = %lang_en;
#if (!%langword) {
for $word (keys(%word)) {
if ($langword{$word}) {
print STDERR "$word = $langword{$word}\n" if $debug;
$word{$word} = $langword{$word};
} else {
print STDERR "\$lang_$lang{$word} not found\n" if $debug;
@days = split(/,/, $word{"days"});